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Home Essentials: Moving in to a new home or apartment

AC Filters 4 Less
When you move into a new house, you must make sure that it is safe to live in. The journey from it being a house to a home can be long, but you must keep in mind that it will only be a home when you put in an intensive effort. If the house hasn’t been occupied for long you must take some safety measures. There are a lot of things that you must do when shifting into a new home, but one must know how to prioritize the tasks. The following are some of the suggestions that should take centerstage:

1. Make your home secure
The first thing you should do is to make your house secure. It will take some time for you to feel a sense of ownership for your new home. The first thing you can do to make it feel like your own possession is by getting the locks changed. Admit it, the thought that the previous occupiers, the landowners, the property dealers all have keys to your house is not a good feeling to begin with. So, the first thing you should do when you’re shifting to a new home is to get the locks changed. You could also install a security system of your liking. Once you feel secure you can move onto other things.

2. Check the AC or Furnace Filter
When you move into a new home, changing the AC filter or furnace filter is not the first thing on your mind. But, you want to make sure that the air you’re breathing is safe for you and your family. You don’t know how long the house has been unoccupied and all this while dirt has been accumulating on the Air Filters, which can be very harmful if the filter has been left in too long. You should call a professional to do a maintenance inspection right after you move in to check the HVAC unit to make sure it is running efficiently. The filter should be replaced and you should have some extra filters on hand to change them every month.

3. Install curtains
When you’ve moved into a new home, you do not even have the basic things like curtains, carpets, utensils etc. In furnishing your home with those things you must move in order of priority. Getting curtains installed should be your first priority. Moving into an alien neighborhood where you feel watched is not a comfortable feeling, so once you move in, secure your privacy and install curtains before anything else.

Moving into a new home can be a very challenging task especially when you’re packing and moving and then unpacking. It can be a very smooth transition if you learn how to prioritize your tasks. When you shift you must focus on getting the home thoroughly cleaned because one it’s been cleaned, the furniture and carpets will be laid down for a long time. Just make sure that you do not start a million tasks at one time. Pack efficiently so unpacking can also be smooth.
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