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A/C Filters 4 Less

Spreads Awareness About Earth Day

AC Filters 4 Less
AC Filters 4 Less Spreads Awareness About Earth Day By Cutting Down Air Pollution and energy consumption. AC Filters 4 Less is dedicated to the environment by cutting down on air pollution and energy consumption. By changing Air Filters and Furnace Filters, the AC compressor works less and results in less power usage. As much as half the energy indoors goes to heating and cooling. Changing the air filters on a regular basis is the the least expensive maintenance task one can perform to maintain the air conditioning unit.

Neglecting necessary maintenance ensures a steady decline in air conditioning performance while energy use steadily increases. Clogged, dirty filters block normal air flow and reduce a systems efficiency significantly. Keeping AC filter and furnace filters clean can lower air conditioning consumption by 5-15%. “We believe that by offering free shipping we can help our customers save on energy usage and air pollution. The environment needs our help and A/C Filters 4 Less wants to do their part to save the Earth.”, states Mark Platt, owner.

Earth Day becomes more important with each year as we approach global warming. If every business and consumer participates, pollution can be greatly decreased. A/C Filters 4 Less is one of the many businesses working together to spread awareness about the desperate need to save our planet.
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