Mold can be found everywhere you look. The problem arises when the mold spore count inside the home exceeds the mold spore count outside of the home. There are many types of mold, the kind you breathe every day, are harmless at general levels. However, certain types of mold and extreme mold buildup are what threaten the health of the family's home.
If you see signs of mold inside the house, particularly in the bathroom or around the kitchen sink, you aren't alone. Millions of people every year face mold issues in the damper areas of their home, including in the basement and patio area. No matter where you find it, though, it's important that you address it sooner rather than later.
If ignored, a small mold issue can quickly turn into a big mold issue, even eating through the materials of the wall and ceiling. The best time to address mold, and really the only suitable time to try and address it yourself with these DIY methods, is when it is just beginning to show up on a surface, like around the sink backsplash, on the shower walls and so on.
When you see mold beginning to form, follow these techniques to get rid of it fast.
Killing Mold At Home
The first and most popular solution to address a mold issue is a bleach-water solution of 1 gallon of water to 1 cup of bleach. This solution works on non-porous surfaces, but you can also use it on porous surfaces if you add detergent into the mix. Do not mix bleach with any ammonia product as that will create a toxic gas when combined.
Wet the affected area with the mixture and allow it to sit for 5 minutes minimum. Then, scrub the area with a brush or abrasive cloth, trying not to scratch or destroy the material underneath the mold. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Nonporous surfaces when used with water, and porous surfaces when combined with detergent. Caution: don’t mix bleach with any product that has ammonia because it produces a toxic gas.
Remember, bleach is toxic! Wear the right gear, avoid getting it in the eyes or on clothes/skin, and only use this solution in a well-ventilated area. The reason why this works so well is that chlorine bleach contains a compound known as hypochlorite, which forces the proteins in the mold to combine. This alters and destroys the mold.
Bleach essentially "cooks" the mold without any heat. Bleach is very effective in getting rid of mold and also killing other microbes that may be on the surface. Plus, it's effective for removing stains. A detergent is needed for it to be absorbed into a porous surface.
Vinegar, baking soda, borax, and hydrogen peroxide solutions can also be used to destroy mold in the home.
These are just a few ideas to keep mold under control in the home or work place.
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